Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Stop DPOD components

  2. Ensure all components are down

  3. Disable some DPOD services:
    1. Edit (using vi) the file /etc/sysconfig/MonTier ,change :
      Change the SERVICES section to the following line: 

      Code Block
      MonTier-Derby MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-1"

      and remove all components except for MonTier-Derby:

      Code Block
      SERVICES_FIRST_GROUP="MonTier-AppAdmin MonTier-Derby"

      Comment out the following lines:

      Code Block
      SERVICES_SECOND_GROUP="MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node ..."
      SERVICES_FORTHTHIRD_GROUP="MonTier-AggAgent- ...HK-ESRetention"
      SERVICES_FIFTHFORTH_GROUP="MonTier-BalancerAgent ..."

      Change the following line:

      Code Block
      SERVICES_SEVENTHSIXTH_GROUP="MonTier-UI MonTier-OpenSearchDashboards MonTier-Reports MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive "

      and remove  MonTier-OpenSearchDashboards:

      Code Block
      SERVICES_SEVENTH_GROUP="MonTier-UI MonTier-Reports MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive "

  4. Change DPOD's Store entries in /etc/hosts to direct to DPOD Internal Console IP address ( in the example below):

    Code Block     montier-es     montier-es-http

  5. Start configuration database service

    Code Block
    /app/scripts/ -o derby
    ija start -p derby -o
    /app/scripts/ -c

  6. Update the SystemParameter SQL table:

    Code Block
    UPDATE SystemParameter
    SET value='false'
    WHERE name='';
    UPDATE SystemParameter
    SET value='false'
    WHERE name = 'system.internal_self_service.is_internal';
    UPDATE SystemParameter
    SET value='false'
    WHERE name = 'system.should_run_retention_on_startup';

  7. Update external server's encryption key:
    1. Copy the encryption key from internal server to the external server's temp folder - do not override servers encryption file:

      Code Block
      scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/keys/encryption.key /tmp/encryption.key

    2. Deploy the key using utility:

      Code Block
      /app/scripts/ --deploy /tmp/encryption.key

  8. Copy the es-admin-keystore file store keys from internal server and update retention cert

    Code Block
    scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/keys/store/dpod-es-admin-keystore.p12* /app/keys/store/dpod-es-admin-keystore.p12
    cp /app/keys/store/dpod-es-admin-keystore.p12 /app/hk_retention/MonTier-HK-ESRetention/conf/certs/dpod-es-admin-keystore.p12

  9. Update the configuration files for MonTier-HK-ESRetention, MonTier-UI, MonTier-Reports, MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive
    Copy the configuration files from internal server
    This step should be preformed after each upgrade.

  10. Code Block
    scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/hk_retention/MonTier-HK-ESRetention/conf/MonTierHousekeeping.conf /app/hk_retention/MonTier-HK-ESRetention/conf/MonTierHousekeeping.conf
    scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/ui/MonTier-UI/conf/MonTierUI.conf /app/ui/MonTier-UI/conf/MonTierUI.conf
    scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/reports/MonTier-Reports/conf/MonTierReports.conf /app/reports/MonTier-Reports/conf/MonTierReports.conf
    scp root@<internal server ip>:/app/hk_keepalive/MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive/conf/MonTierHousekeeping.conf /app/hk_keepalive/MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive/conf/MonTierHousekeeping.conf

  11. Delete the following folders from /etc/init.d

    Code Block
    rm /etc/init.d/MonTier-SyslogAgent-* /etc/init.d/MonTier-WsmAgent-* /etc/init.d/MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-* /etc/init.d/MonTier-OpenSearchDashboards /etc/init.d/MonTier-MessagingAgent-1

  12. Start DPOD components

  13. Ensure all components are up and running

    Code Block
    #Output Example:
    MonTier-AppAdmin (pid 7380) is running...
    MonTier-Derby (pid 4983) is running...
    MonTier-HK-ESRetention (pid 13576) is running...
    MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive (pid 17724) is running...
    MonTier-UI (pid 16959) is running...
    MonTier-Reports (pid 17335) is running...

  14. If you wish to let the external self service users access the DevOps Services Portal, change the following system parameters in the external self service console

    (you can do that from Manage → Customize → System Parameters after the web console starts):
    1. Internal Self Service Address: Enter the address of the internal self service portal.
    2. Internal Self Service Webserver Port: (defaults to 443) The webserver port for the internal self service portal - change this value only if advised.


  1. Stop DPOD components

  2. Ensure all components are down :

  3. Change DPOD Store entries in /etc/hosts to bind to DPOD Internal Console IP address instead of ( in the example below):

    Code Block     montier-es     montier-es-http

  4. Start DPOD components

  5. Ensure all components are up and running

    Code Block
    #Output Example:
    MonTier-AppAdmin (pid 17836) is running...
    MonTier-Derby (pid 17940) is running...
    MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-1 (pid 18125) is running...
    MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-2 (pid 21122) is running...
    MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-3 (pid 21103) is running...
    MonTier-es-raw-trans-Node-4 (pid 21120) is running...
    MonTier-SyslogAgent-1 (pid 27350) is running...
    MonTier-SyslogAgent-2 (pid 27286) is running...
    MonTier-SyslogAgent-3 (pid 27177) is running...
    MonTier-SyslogAgent-4 (pid 27075) is running...
    MonTier-WsmAgent-1 (pid 27002) is running...
    MonTier-WsmAgent-2 (pid 26921) is running...
    MonTier-WsmAgent-3 (pid 26881) is running...
    MonTier-WsmAgent-4 (pid 26773) is running...
    MonTier-HK-ESRetention (pid 24012) is running...
    MonTier-HK-WdpDeviceResources (pid 27590) is running...
    MonTier-HK-WdpServiceResources (pid 27447) is running...
    MonTier-HK-SyslogKeepalive (pid 1976) is running...
    MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive (pid 1932) is running...
    MonTier-UI (pid 1635) is running...
    MonTier-Reports (pid 1830) is running...
    MonTier-AgentNode (pid 1736) is running...

  6. Restart External Console  
    1. Stop DPOD components
    2. Start DPOD components

    3. Ensure all components are up and running

      Code Block
      #Output Example:
      MonTier-AppAdmin (pid 7380) is running...
      MonTier-Derby (pid 4983) is running...
      MonTier-HK-ESRetention (pid 13576) is running...
      MonTier-HK-WsmKeepalive (pid 17724) is running...
      MonTier-UI (pid 16959) is running...
      MonTier-Reports (pid 17335) is running...