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Table of Contents


The DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent Operator currently supports installation via OLM, see Prerequisites for supported versions.


Loading Images to a Container Registry

DataPower Operations Dashboard DPOD Cloud Agent images are currently available for download from PPA ( Passport Advantage (PPA) and need to be loaded to a container registry., so they can be pulled by your Kubernetes cluster. The container registry can may be any external registry which is accessible to the cluster, or the cluster cluster’s internal registry.

This is a the list of the images image file names (as available on PPA) and the images names and tags:

Image File Name

Image Name and Tag

















In order to preserve the images digest digests in the container registry we recommend using the skopeo utility (available as a package for most distributions: Installing Skopeo).


Consider the following example for loading the images to the OpenShift (OCP) internal container registry:


The commands might be a little different, depending on the chosen container registry, namespace name, versions, etc.

  1. Set variables with the source, destination, versions, etc.:

    Code Block
  2. Load the operator catalog and bundle images to openshift-marketplace namespace:

    Code Block
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-operator-catalog-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-operator-bundle-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
  3. Load the operator image to DataPower Operations Dashboard the DPOD Cloud Agent namespace (for namespace scope deployment) or to the openshift-operators namespace (for cluster scope deployment):

    Code Block
    # if Installation Mode is "AllNamespaces" (cluster scope), use : openshift-operators
    # if Installation Mode is "OwnNamespace" (Namespacenamespace scope), use : ${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_NAMESPACE}
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-operator-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
  4. Load application images to DataPower Operations Dashboard the DPOD Cloud Agent namespace:

    Code Block
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-api-proxy-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-http-ingester-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-manager-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-messaging-broker-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \
    skopeo copy --all --dest-creds=${USER_ID}:$(oc whoami -t) docker-archive:${IMAGES_DIR}/dpod-ca-syslog-ingester-${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_VERSION}.tgz \

Creating / Updating the ImageContentSourcePolicy

The DataPower Operations Dashboard DPOD Cloud Agent operator will deploy containers with images referencing to IBM’s container registry. Since the images are currently loaded locally (or to non ibm registry) a mirroring will be needed into your own container registry (and are not still available in the IBM container registry), a mirroring is required to be configured using the ImageContentSourcePolicy resource.


In the following example the first entry mirror for OCP, the path of` path to is mirrored both by the internal OCP registry namespace integration. The second entry mirror dpod-cloud-agent and by a private external registry with path dpod.


/dpod. You should adjust these values according to the container registry that the images were loaded into.

Code Block
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
  name: openshiftdpod-cloud-agent-registry-mirror
    - mirrors:
        - image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/integrationdpod-cloud-agent


Without a proper ImageContentSourcePolicy the pods will fail on ImagePullBackOff error when trying to pull the images.

Installing the CatalogSource

In order to install DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent operator using OLM a CatalogSource must be created in openshift-marketplace namespace (the images for the catalog and bundle should have already been loaded in previous step).

The following YAML example will create CatalogSource for DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud AgentUse the following YAML example to create a CatalogSource for the DPOD Cloud Agent (typically CatalogSources are created in the openshift-marketplace namespace):

Code Block
kind: CatalogSource
  name: ibm-dpod-cloud-agent-catalog
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  displayName: IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent
  image: ${CONTAINER_REGISTRY_INTERNAL_URL}/openshift-marketplace/dpod-cloud-agent-operator-catalog:${DPOD_CLOUD_AGENT_OPERATOR_IMAGE_TAG}
  publisher: IBM
  sourceType: grpc

Do not forget to replace the variables reference (${...}) with the actual values before creating the CatalogSource.

Using the OpenShift Console

To creating create the CatalogSource resource using the OpenShift Console, use the following steps.:

  1. Navigate to your the OpenShift Console UI.

  2. In the top-right of the UI, on the header bar, click the Import button (+) to import YAML.

  3. Copy and paste the above YAML example into the editor.

  4. Click the Create button to create the resource.

Using the OCP CLI (oc)

To create this resource using the oc CLI, use the following steps.:

  1. Create a YAML file containing the above YAML example.

  2. Use the oc apply command to apply the YAML resource.:

    Code Block
     oc apply -f ibm-datapower-operations-dashboard-operator-catalog.yaml

Validating that the CatalogSource is


Installed and Ready

To validate that the CatalogSource resource was installed correctly, use the following steps.

Validate that the


CatalogSource pod is ready

use the following oc command to get the CatalogSource pod status and verify the status is READY:

Code Block
oc get catalogsource ibm-dpod-cloud-agent-catalog -n openshift-marketplace -o yaml | yq read - "status.connectionState.lastObservedState")

Validate that the


CatalogSource was processed into OperatorHub

  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Console UI.

  2. On the left panel, expand the Operators section.

  3. Select OperatorHub.

  4. At the top of the OperatorHub section, enter datapower operations dashboard into the Filter search box.

  5. A tile should be shown titled IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent.



the DPOD Cloud Agent Operator

To install IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard the DPOD Cloud Agent Operator use the following steps:


The Approval Strategy is what determines if the IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent Operator will automatically update when new releases become available within the selected channel. If Automatic is selected, over-the-air updates will occur automatically as they become available. If Manual is selected, an administrator would need to approve each update as it becomes available through OLM.

Using the OCP CLI (oc)

To create IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard the DPOD Cloud Agent Operator subscription using the oc CLI, use the following steps.:

Code Block
kind: Subscription
  name: ibm-dpod-cloud-agent-operator
  channel: stable-v0.1
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: dpod-cloud-agent-operator
  source: ibm-dpod-cloud-agent-catalog
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  startingCSV: dpod-cloud-agent-operator.v0.1.0

Do not forget to replace the variables reference (${...}) with the actual values before creating the subscription.

  1. Create a YAML file containing the above YAML example.

  2. Use the oc apply command to apply the YAML resource.

    Code Block
     oc apply -f ibm-datapower-operations-dashboard-cloud-agent-operator.yaml


DPOD Cloud Agent Network Configuration

The Cloud Agent sends and receives data to / from the DataPower Operations Dashboard instance which is installed outside OCP the Kubernetes cluster.

Currently the DataPower Operations Dashboard DPOD Cloud Agent Operator support supports the following methods for exposing the cloud agent’s Cloud Agent’s services:

  • NodePort - (default) the The Cloud Agent operator will create services with the type of NodePort to expose the services externally to OCP.

  • Custom - Other methods that the user would like to implement in order to expose the Cloud Agent services (example : ingress controller, LoadBalancer service etc). for more information see Kubernetes documentation
    The resources created by the user will not be managed (owned) by the Cloud Agent operator, It is the user The Cloud Agent operator will not create any resources for exposing the services externally to OCP, and it is the user’s responsibility to create, update and delete these resources .


  • (e.g.: Ingress controller, LoadBalancer services, etc.). For more information, see the Kubernetes documentation.
    For route, configuration see OCP



Cloud Agent Inbound (ingress) Communication

The Cloud Agent inbound communication include includes:

  • Management API invocation generated by DataPower Operations Dashboard to the managercomponent of the Cloud Agent.

  • Kafka communication to the messaging component of the Cloud Agent (messaging brokers).



The messaging manager component has a number of properties (in the Cloud Agent CR) for controlling the communication:

  • incomingTrafficMethod - The method of exposing the messaging manager to incoming traffic from outside the cluster.
    Available options are: Custom, NodePort, Route (default is Route for OpenShift and NodePort for Kubernetes).

  • externalHost - The external host for accessing the messaging manager from outside the cluster. This value will be published by the messaging brokers (Kafka).

  • externalPortStart externalPort - The starting external port for accessing the messaging manager from outside the cluster . The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port( default is 30100).incomingTrafficPortStart - The starting (default is 443).

  • incomingTrafficPort - The port for exposing the messaging manager to incoming traffic from outside the cluster (when incomingTrafficMethod is NodePort). The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port. ( default is the value of externalPortStart externalPort).

For complete Messaging more information, see Manager API documentation

For that the Cloud Agent Operator will create the following Kubernetes services:

  • <CR name>-msg-bse-svc - NodePort services for externally accessing the messaging bootstrap port.

  • <CR name>-msg-dir-svc-<broker number starting 0> - Messaging broker 0 (zero) service for externally direct access to this broker, will use port externalPortStart +1 (30101, 30102 etc). Each messaging broker will have similar service.


The Manager component has .


The messaging component has a number of properties (in the Cloud Agent CR) for controlling the communication:

  • incomingTrafficMethod - The method of exposing the messaging to incoming traffic from outside the cluster.
    Available options are: Custom, NodePort, route (default is Route (OpenShift only) / NodePort).

  • externalHost - The external host for accessing the manager messaging from outside the cluster. This value will be published by the messaging brokers (Kafka).

  • externalPortexternalPortStart - The starting external port for accessing the manager messaging from outside the cluster. The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port (default is 44330100).

  • incomingTrafficPort incomingTrafficPortStart - The starting port for exposing the manager messaging to incoming traffic from outside the cluster (when incomingTrafficMethod is NodePort). The bootstrap endpoint will use this port, and each messaging broker will use a consecutive port (default is the value of externalPort externalPortStart).

For complete Manager more information, see Messaging API documentation.

For that the The Cloud Agent Operator will create the following OCP route: Kubernetes services for the messaging component:

  • <CR name>-msg-bse-svc - A NodePort service for externally accessing the messaging bootstrap port.

  • <CR name>-mng - Route for externally accessing the manager over HTTPS


  • -msg-dir-svc-<broker number> - A NodePort service for each messaging broker (starting with zero) for external direct access to this broker, which uses port externalPortStart +1 (e.g.: 30101, 30102, etc).

Deploying the DPOD Cloud Agent Instance

In order to deploy IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard the DPOD Cloud Agent Instance instance, a CustomResource should be created.

This is an a minimal example of the CustomResource. The complete API is documented in DpodCloudAgent.

Code Block
kind: DpodCloudAgent
  namespace: integration
  name: dpod-cloud-agent-prod
      - integrationdatapower-gateways-ns
    accept: true
    license: L-GHED-75SD3J
    use: Production
    replicas: 3
    replicas: 3
      className: app-storage
    replicas: 3

Validating the Cloud Agent Instance


  1. Navigate to your OpenShift Console UI.

  2. Navigate to Installed Operators and choose IBM DataPower Operations Dashboard Cloud Agent.

  3. Click on DpodCloudAgent tab and make sure the new CustomResource is in Runing Running Phase.

Using the OCP CLI (oc)

To validate the CustomResource using the oc CLI, use the following steps.

  1. Execute the following command and make sure the new CustomResource is in PHASE Runing Running:

    Code Block


  1. # oc get DpodCloudAgent <CR name> -n <Cloud Agent namespace>


    oc get DpodCloudAgent dpod-cloud-agent-prod -n 


  1. dpod-cloud-agent