Use the following procedure to replace these certificates.
Make sure you have the new certificate and key following files provided in
format - use exactly the file names listed below:CA certificate -
Server certificate -
Server certificate key -
In a Cell Environment, perform all the steps on the cell manager as well as all the cell members.
Log in to DPOD's server using SSH.
Create new custom keys directory
Code Block mkdir -p /app/keys/store/custom
Copy the key and certificate
files to this directory. i.e.:Code Block ls /app/keys/store/custom custom-es-ca-cert.pem dpod-es-server-cert.pem dpod-es-server-key.pem
Create CA certificate chainbundle:
Code Block cat /app/keys/store/dpod-es-ca-cert.pem /app/keys/store/custom/custom-es-ca-cert.pem > /app/keys/store/custom/dpod-es-ca-cert.pem
Deploy the files to the Store server nodes:
Code Block # version and above ls -d1 /app/opensearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/certs | xargs -I ddd cp -f /app/keys/store/dpod-es-*.pem ddd # version ls -d1 /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/certs | xargs -I ddd cp -f /app/keys/store/custom/dpod-es-*.pem ddd
Configure the Store server to accept the domain certifiednodes with the new DN:
Code Block # version and above ls -1 /app/opensearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/opensearch.yml | xargs -I fff sed -i "/pluginss#plugins.security.nodes_dn:.*/d" fff ls -1 /app/opensearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/opensearch.yml | xargs -I fff sed -i "/ - 'CN=.*/d" fff ls -1 /app/opensearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/opensearch.yml | xargs -I fff sh -c "echo \"plugins.#plugins.security.nodes_dn:\" >> fff" ls -1 /app/opensearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/opensearch.yml | xargs -I fff sh -c "echo \" - ['$(openssl x509 -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout -in /app/keys/store/custom/dpod-es-server-cert.pem | sed 's/subject= //')'\]#" >> fff" # version ls -1 /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/elasticsearch.yml | xargs -I fff sed -i "/opendistros#opendistro_security.nodes_dn:.*/d" fff ls -1 /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/elasticsearch.yml | xargs -I fff sed -i "/ - 'CN=.*/d" fff ls -1 /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/elasticsearch.yml | xargs -I fff sh -c "echo \"opendistro#opendistro_security.nodes_dn:\" >> fff" ls -1 /app/elasticsearch_nodes/config/MonTier-es-raw-trans-*/elasticsearch.yml | xargs -I fff sh -c "echo \" - ['$(openssl x509 -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout -in /app/keys/store/custom/dpod-es-server-cert.pem | sed 's/subject= //')'\]#" >> fff"
Stop and start all the application services using
Cell Environment users should stop Stop and start Syslog and WS-M agents in all cell members from app-util.sh:
app-utils.sh → Stop Service → syslog → stop up to this service
app-utils.sh → Start Service → wsm → start up to this service