Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


KeyThe catalog name
doc_countNumber of times the catalog name appeared for the specified filters (time, device, etc)
KeyThe API Name
doc_countNumber of times the API name appeared for the catalog name
KeyThe API Version
doc_countNumber of times the API version appeared for the api name
KeyThe FE Response code
doc_countNumber of times the FE Response code appeared for the api version
KeyAverage Total Latency
doc_countAverage total latency for each response code 
KeyMax Total Latency
doc_countMax total latency for each response code 

Default Sort: Catalog Name/ API Name/ API Version and FE Response First doc_count, Descending.


Device CPU Report

Devices ordered by average CPU


TimeTransaction execution time
Transaction IDThe transaction id  
Client IPThe client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started
DeviceThe device where the transaction run
DomainThe domain where the transaction run
Service NameService name


Error Details Table



Message text
TimeThe timestamp (to milliseconds) the error was recorded at

Severity of the error.
Valid Values:

  • error
  • critic 


The name of the device where the error was found


WDP category of the message

Default Sort: Time, Descending.

Total API Executions Report

Total API Executions

Available Filters

  • Time Range
  • Device
  • Domain
  • Catalog
  • Space
  • Product
  • Plan
  • API Name
  • API Version
  • App Name

Summary Table

KeyThe catalog name
doc_countNumber of times the catalog name appeared for the specified filters (time, device, etc)
KeyThe API Name
doc_countNumber of times the API name appeared for the catalog name
KeyThe API Version
doc_countNumber of times the API version appeared for the api name
KeyThe FE Response code
doc_countNumber of times the FE Response code appeared for the api version

Default Sort:  First doc_count, Descending.


Transactions Above Elapsed Time


Elapsed (ms.)The elapsed time in milliseconds of the transaction
TimeTransaction execution time
Transaction IDTransaction id
Client IPThe client IP of the machine (or load balancer) where this transaction started
Device NameDevice executing the transaction
Global Transaction IDGlobal transaction id
Domain NameThe domain on the device
